Peng Song's Space


# 学生,* 通讯作者


  1. Peng Song*, Zhaohu Liu#, Jinshuai Mu, Yuanbo Cheng. Deep Embedding Based Tensor Incomplete Multi-view Clustering. Digital Signal Processing 2024. (Accepted)
  2. Yuanbo Cheng#, Peng Song*, Jinshuai Mu, Yanwei Yu, Wenming Zheng. Comprehensive Multi-view Self-Representations for Clustering. Expert Systems With Applications 2024, 251, 124103. [PDF]
  3. Run Wang#, Peng Song*, Wenming Zheng. Graph-Diffusion-Based Domain-Invariant Representation Learning for Cross-Domain Facial Expression Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TCSS.2024.3355113. [PDF]
  4. Shixuan Zhou#, Peng Song*. Consistency-Exclusivity Guided Unsupervised Multi-view Feature Selection. Neurocomputing 2024, 569, 127119. [PDF] [code]
  5. Zhaohu Liu#, Peng Song*. Deep Low-rank Tensor Embedding for Multi-view Subspace Clustering. Expert Systems With Applications 2024, 237, Part C, 121518. [PDF]
  6. Zhaohu Liu#, Peng Song*, Jinshuai Mu, Wenming Zheng. Shared Latent Embedding Learning for Multi-View Subspace Clustering. IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, 2024, E107–D (1), 148-152. [PDF]
  7. Run Wang#, Peng Song*, Shaokai Li, Liang Ji, Wenming Zheng. Common Latent Embedding Space for Cross-Domain Facial Expression Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. 2024, 11(2): 2046-2056. [PDF]
  8. Shenjie Jiang#, Peng Song*, Shaokai Li, Run Wang, Wenming Zheng. Multi-Source Unsupervised Transfer Components Learning for Cross-Domain Speech Emotion Recognition. ICASSP 2024, Seoul, Korea, 10226-10230.[PDF] [Poster]
  9. Zhiwei Niu, Shifeng Ou, Peng Song, Ying Gao. Acoustic Echo Cancellation Based on Two‐stage BLSTM. Electronics Letters, 2024, 60(7): e13164. [PDF]


  1. Wenjing Zhang#, Peng Song*, Wenming Zheng. Joint Local-Global Discriminative Subspace Transfer Learning for Facial Expression Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. 2023, 14(3), 2484-2495. [PDF]
  2. Jinshuai Mu#, Peng Song*, Yanwei Yu, Wenming Zheng. Tensor-Based Consensus Learning for Incomplete Multi-view Clustering. Expert Systems With Applications 2023, 234, 121013. [PDF] [code]
  3. Shaokai Li#, Peng Song*, Wenming Zheng. Multi-Source Discriminant Subspace Alignment for Cross-Domain Speech Emotion Recognition. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. 2023, 31, 2448-2460. [PDF] [code]
  4. Dongliang Chen#, Peng Song*, Wenming Zheng. Learning Transferable Sparse Representations for Cross-corpus Facial Expression Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. 2023, 14(2):1322-1333. [PDF]
  5. Tao Liu#, Peng Song*, Liang Ji, Shaokai Li. Adaptive Graph Regularized Transferable Regression for Facial Expression Recognition. Digital Signal Processing 2023, 139, 104082. [PDF]
  6. Shixuan Zhou#, Peng Song*, Yanwei Yu, Wenming Zheng. Structural regularization based discriminative multi-view unsupervised feature selection. Knowledge-Based Systems 2023, 272, 110601. [PDF] [code]
  7. Liang Ji#, Peng Song*, Wenjing Zhang, Shaokai Li. Learning Transferable Non-negative Feature Representation for Facial Expression Recognition. Digital Signal Processing 2023, 139, 104060. [PDF]
  8. Jinshuai Mu#, Peng Song*, Xiangyu Liu, Shaokai Li. Dual-graph Regularized Concept Factorization for Multi-view Clustering. Expert Systems With Applications 2023, 223, 119949. [PDF]
  9. Shixuan Zhou#, Peng Song*, Zihao Song, Liang Ji. Soft-Label Guided Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Unsupervised Feature Selection. Expert Systems With Applications 2023, 216, 119468. [PDF] [code]
  10. Xiangyu Liu#, Peng Song*. Virtual label guided multi-view non-negative matrix factorization for data clustering. Digital Signal Processing 2023, 133, 103888. [PDF]
  11. Zihao Song#, Peng Song*, Latent Energy Preserving Embedding for Unsupervised Feature Selection. Digital Signal Processing, 2023, 132, 103794. [PDF]
  12. 宋鹏*,李绍凯#, 张雯婧, 郑文明, 赵力. 基于迁移判别回归的跨域语音情感识别. 信号处理. 2023, 39(4): 649-657. [PDF]
  13. Shenjie Jiang#, Peng Song*, Shaokai Li, Keke Zhao. Unsupervised Transfer Components Learning for Cross-Domain Speech Emotion Recognition. In: INTERSPEECH 2023, Dublin, Ireland. 4538-4542. [PDF] [Slides]
  14. Keke Zhao#, Peng Song*, Shaokai Li, Wenming Zheng. Joint Instance Reconstruction and Feature Subspace Alignment for Cross-Domain Speech Emotion Recognition. In: INTERSPEECH 2023, Dublin, Ireland. 894-898. [PDF] [Poster]
  15. Shaokai Li#, Peng Song*, Liang Ji, Yun Jin, Wenming Zheng. A Generalized Subspace Distribution Adaptation Framework for Cross-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition. In: ICASSP 2023, Rhodes island, Greece.[PDF] [Slides] [Poster]
  16. Shenjie Jiang#, Peng Song*, Run Wang, Shaokai Li, Wenming Zheng. Graph-Guided Transferable Regression for Cross-Domain Speech Emotion Recognition, CCBR 2023, Xuzhou, China, 225-234. [PDF] [Slides]


  1. Weijian Zhang#, Peng Song*, Dongliang Chen, Chao Sheng, Wenjing Zhang. Cross-corpus Speech Emotion Recognition Based on Joint Transfer Subspace Learning and Regression. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems. 2022, 14(2): 588-598.
  2. Xiangyu Liu#, Peng Song*. Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Virtual-label Guided Matrix Factorization. Expert Systems With Applications 2022, 210, 118408.
  3. Shaokai Li#, Peng Song*, Wenjing Zhang. Transferable Discriminant Linear Regression for Cross-corpus Speech Emotion Recognition. Applied Acoustics 2022, 197:108919.
  4. Xiangyu Liu#, Peng Song*, Chao Sheng, Wenjing Zhang. Robust Multi-view Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Clustering. Digital Signal Processing 2022, 123:103447.
  5. Liang Ji#, Peng Song*, Wenjing Zhang. Transferable Discriminative Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Cross-database Facial Expression Recognition. Digital Signal Processing 2022, 123:103424.
  6. Chao Sheng#, Peng Song*. Graph Regularized Virtual Label Regression for Unsupervised Feature Selection. Digital Signal Processing 2022, 123:103393.
  7. Keke Zhao#, Peng Song*, Shaokai Li, Wenjing Zhang, Wenming Zheng.“A novel Adaptive Weighted Transfer Subspace Learning Method for Cross-database Speech Emotion Recognition”. IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, 2022, E105–D (9), 1643-1646.
  8. Wenjing Zhang#, Peng Song*, Wenming Zheng. A Novel Transferable Sparse Regression Method for Cross-database Facial Expression Recognition. IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, 2022, E105–D (1), 175-179.
  9. Zihao Song#, Peng Song*, Chao Sheng, Wenming Zheng, Wenjing Zhang, Shaokai Li. A Novel Discriminative Virtual Label Regression Method for Unsupervised Feature Selection. IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, 2022, E105–D (1), 184-188.
  10. Shaokai Li#, Peng Song*, Keke Zhao, Wenjing Zhang, Wenming Zheng. Coupled Discriminant Subspace Alignment for Cross-database Speech Emotion Recognition. In: INTERSPEECH 2022, Incheon, Korea, 4695-4699. Video Poster


  1. Peng Song*, Wenming Zheng, Yanwei Yu, Shifeng Ou. Speech Emotion Recognition Based on Robust Discriminative Sparse Regression. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2021, 2, 343-353.
  2. Chao Sheng#, Peng Song*, Weijian Zhang, Dongliang Chen. Dual-graph Regularized Subspace Learning Based Feature Selection. Digital Signal Processing 2021, 117:103175.
  3. Wenjing Zhang#, Peng Song*, Dongliang Chen, Weijian Zhang. Latent Sparse Transfer Subspace Learning for Cross-Corpus Facial Expression Recognition. Digital Signal Processing 2021, 116:103121.
  4. Dongliang Chen#, Peng Song*. Dual-Graph Regularized Discriminative Transfer Sparse Coding for Facial Expression Recognition. Digital Singal Processing 2021, 108, 102906.
  5. 盛超#, 宋鹏*, 郑文明, 赵力. 基于子空间学习和伪标签回归的无监督特征选择. 信号处理. 2021, 37 (9): 1701-1708.
  6. 张雯婧#, 宋鹏*, 陈栋梁, 郑文明, 赵力. 基于稀疏子空间迁移学习的跨域人脸表情识别. 数据采集与处理. 2021, 36(1):113-121.
  7. 李绍凯#, 宋鹏*, 张雯婧, 郑文明, 赵力. 基于迁移回归的跨域语音情感识别. 全国人机语音通讯学术会议 (NCMMSC2021), 徐州, 中国. (最佳论文提名)
  8. Keke Zhao#, Peng Song*, Wenjing Zhang, Weijian Zhang, Shaokai Li, Dongliang Chen, Wenming Zheng. Cross-corpus Speech Emotion Recognition Based on Sparse Subspace Transfer Learning. Chinese Conference on Biometrics Recognition (CCBR2021), Shanghai, China, 2021, 466–473.Video, Slides


  1. Peng Song*, Wenming Zheng. Feature Selection Based Transfer Subspace Learning for Speech Emotion Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. 2020, 11(3): 373-382.
  2. Tengfei Song, Wenming Zheng, Peng Song, Zhen Cui, EEG Emotion Recognition Using Dynamical Graph Convolutional Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. 2020, 11(3): 532-541. (最佳论文,ESI高被引
  3. Weijian Zhang#, Peng Song*. Transfer sparse discriminant subspace learning for cross-corpus speech emotion recognition. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. 2020, 28, 307-318.
  4. Fang Liu#, Yanwei Yu, Peng Song, Yangyang Fan, Xiangrong Tong. Scalable KDE-based Top-n Local Outlier Detection over Large-Scale Data Streams. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020, 204: 106186.
  5. Kai Chen#, Yanwei Yu, Peng Song, Xianfeng Tang, Lei Cao, Xiangrong Tong. Find You If You Drive: Inferring Home Locations for Vehicles with Surveillance Camera Data. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020, 196: 105766.
  6. Dongliang Chen#, Peng Song*, Wenjing Zhang, Weijian Zhang, Bingui Xu, Xuan Zhou. Robust Transferable Subspace Learning for Cross-Corpus Facial Expression Recognition. IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, 2020, E-103D: 2241-2245.
  7. 欧世峰, 赵艳磊, 宋鹏, 高颖. 基于概率耦合的双直接判决先验信噪比估计算法. 电子学报. 2020, 48(8), 1605-1614.
  8. Zhijun Liu#, Chao Huang, Yanwei Yu, Peng Song, Baode Fan, Junyu Dong. Dynamic Representation Learning for Large-Scale Attributed Networks. Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2020), October 19–23, 2020, Virtual Event, Ireland, 2020
  9. Jianian Li#, Yanwei Yu, Peng Song, Yunhong Lu. Student Performance Prediction based on Multi-View Network Embedding. 3rd Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV 2020).


  1. Peng Song*. Transfer Linear Subspace Learning for Cross-corpus Speech Emotion Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 265-275, 2019.
  2. Shifeng Ou, Peng Song, Ying Gao. Laplacian Speech Model and Soft Decision Based MMSE Estimator for Noise Power Spectral Density in Speech Enhancement.Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2018, 27(6): 1214-1220.
  3. Shifeng Ou, Peng Song, Ying Gao. Soft Decision Based Gaussian-Laplacian Combination Model for Noisy Speech Enhancement. Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2018, 27(4): 827-834.
  4. Shifeng Ou, Peng Song, Ying Gao. Phase-Sensitive Decision-Directed SNR Estimator for Single-Channel Speech Enhancement. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. 2017, 31(8): 1758003-1~1758003-16.
  5. Peng Song*, Wenming Zheng, Shifeng Ou, et al. Cross-corpus speech emotion recognition based on transfer non-negative matrix factorization. Speech Communication. 2016, 83:34-41.
  6. 宋鹏, 郑文明, 赵力. 基于子空间学习和特征选择融合的语音情感识别. 清华大学学报(自然科学版). 2018, 58(4):347-351.
  7. 宋鹏, 郑文明, 赵力. 基于特征迁移学习方法的跨库语音情感识别, 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 56 (11): 1179-1183.
  8. 金赟, 宋鹏, 郑文明, 赵力. 半监督判别分析的跨库语音情感识别. 声学学报, 2015, 40(1): 20-27.
  9. 宋鹏,王浩,赵力. 基于混合Gauss归一化的语音转换算法, 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 53(6):757-761.
  10. Peng Song*, Wenming Zheng, Shifeng Ou, Yun Jin, Wenming Ma, Yanwei Yu. Joint Transfer Subspace Learning and Feature Selection for Cross-corpus Speech Emotion Recognition. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2018), Calgary, Canada, 2018, 5504-5508。
  11. Peng Song*, Shifeng Ou, Wenming Zheng, et al. Speech Emotion Recognition Using Transfer Non-negative Matrix Factorization. ICASSP 2016,Shanghai, China, 2016.
  12. Peng Song*, Yun Jin, Wenming Zheng, et al. Text-independent voice conversion using speaker model alignment method from non-parallel speech. In: INTERSPEECH 2014, Singapore. 2308-2312, 2014.
  13. Yun Jin,Peng Song*, Wenming Zheng, et al. A feature selection and feature fusion combination method for speaker-independent speech emotion recognition. ICASSP 2014. 2014, Florence, Italy. 4841-4845.
  14. Peng Song*, Wenming Zheng, Li Zhao. Non-parallel training for voice conversion based on adaptation method. ICASSP 2013. 2013, Vancovour, Canada. 6905-6909.